Flames Sweep Lumberyard

"Flames Sweep Lumberyard," Minneapolis Morning Tribune, August 25, 1920.
Minnesota Historical Society Newspaper Collection
"Thousands Watch Fierce Blaze Which Destroys Timber Piles, Burns Sheds, Ties Up Traffic and Threatens Nearby Homes, While Occupants Rush Furniture into Street.
"Swept in a sea of flames, lumberyards of the Northland Pine Lumber company at Thirty-second avenue north and Second street last night, covering 25 acres, were destroyed by fire with an estimated loss that will exceed $500,000."
"Embers scattered over a large section of the city and scorched roofs of several homes. Although declared under control at 10 p.m., 7,000,000 feet of lumber and 5,000,000 shingles still were burning, lighting up that section of the city."
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, August 25, 1920