Historic Fort Snelling Fifes and Drums
Join the Ranks!
The Historic Fort Snelling Fifes and Drums are looking for musicians ages 14 and older to perform during the 2025 season. Both adults and students are welcome to participate. Corps members will:
- Learn period duty calls and military music
- Depict an early military-style band during Historic Fort Snelling programs and events
- Share music history with site visitors
- Perform at historic sites and community events around Minnesota
- Serve as a musical ambassador for the Minnesota Historical Society
The corps needs:
- Woodwind players willing to learn 6-hole fife technique
- String players willing to perform period violin music and learn fife technique
- Brass players willing to learn bugle and fife techniques
- Snare drummers who can master traditional grip
- Bass drummers who can carry a 28-inch or larger drum
- Alternates for the above positions and for flag squad duties
- Drum major (must have completed at least one year with the corps)
The program runs from March through October. Adults and students with basic music training are welcome to apply. Members are trained and led by fort staff with fife and drum experience. Musicians attend weekly group rehearsals beginning in February, and occasional sectionals or drill camps. The corps gives 10-16 performances during the spring and summer. You must be available most summer Saturdays and holidays.
Apply Today! The application process is underway. Complete an online application.
Transcript | Watch video Fife and Drum Historic Fort Snelling on YouTube
Contact: Katie Longar, Historic Fort Snelling Site Supervisor, katherine.longar@mnhs.org or 612-726-1171
Historic Fort Snelling is a National Historic Landmark located at the junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers. Visitors to the fort learn not only about military history from before the Civil War through World War II, but also about slavery in Minnesota and the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862.
Photo courtesy of Steph Grogg.